Our Message

Being a young entrepreneur is not a walk in the park. It is challenging with its own share of difficulties. We are fighting against a habit. Children after Class 5 and people, in general, do not use pencils. They have become dependent on pens, especially plastic pens. It is a habit. It is not easy to change a habit. But like we had discussed with our team, if a habit could be substituted with a more purposeful habit, then we could achieve some percentage of success. The purposeful habit is to get a child or an adult to realise that eco-friendly pencils will help save our trees and our planet through the process of reducing the usage of plastic pens, reusing papers by writing with pencils because it can be rubbed off, and recycle newspapers that are lying around as waste to make eco-friendly pencils.


The second challenge is the fact that we are trying to fight a commodity with a novelty idea but some retailers will expect us to give them benefits like manufacturers of pencils currently with a mass production, marketing budget and distributor network. But that’s the best part of the challenge is to make the novelty product as commodity product. So we will take our challenges as it comes.


Say No To Plastic Pencils, Say Yes To EcoFriendly Pencils. Change your habit of being dependent on plastic pens and take on a new habit of being interdependent on EcoFriendly pencils. By interdependent, I mean you do you bit for the environment and environment will do its bit for you.


I am a young adult trying to make a difference. I would like more people like me to take a chance and become an entrepreneur, be innovative and be the gem that shines brightly globally from Goa and India. Goa is a great place to create new ideas, new businesses and take them globally.